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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Justice For Henry Granju

So, I've tried my hand at this blogging thing numerous times now.  Each time I come up with a new idea, I seem to create a new blogger page (I think I have 5 now, all of them dreadfully empty).  This in every way should be indicative of how my brain works.  I want to blog about being a mom, wife, WAHM, self proclaimed photographer, life in general and many other things.  Why I can't seem to sub-categorize the "many faces of FloggingTodd" is beyond me.  However, for the first time in a very long time I have this overwhelming desire to share a story with everyone / anyone who will listen.  So, here I am once again - attempting the blog.

As some of you know, my husband Functionally ReTodded (FRT) is the writer in our family.  I follow his blog, and in doing so have happened upon some other interesting bloggers.  Through the six degrees of blogging separation I happened upon a very well known blogger, Katie Granju (known in the blogging world as: mamapundit).  

The past week has me 100% consumed with the story of her son, Henry Granju.  I urge all of you to go to Katie's site and read about Henry and the justice they are seeking in his name.  There is no way I could ever write or describe Katie's situation in the way she does, however here is the VERY SHORT version of what has been consuming close to my every thought this week:

Henry Granju was a beautiful 18 year old, hippie guitar playing teenager.  Henry was addicted to drugs, and despite the normal stereo-typical "scarlet letter" associated with drug addicts, Henry grew up in a very normal, loving family.  Henry's parents have never argued the fact that Henry struggled with drugs or the role his addiction played in his death.  Yes, that's correct - Henry passed away last May. Henry's drug problem led him to be involved with certain people whom they believe are criminally responsible for his death. The Granju's have been silent for nearly 10 months now regarding the circumstances that led to his death, and the hugely non-objective and unprofessional (read: lack thereof) criminal investigation of Henry's case. Katie says it best when she explains what they want to achieve at this point:
"My only goal in sharing this information, and in telling our family’s story is to encourage local authorities to conduct a full, professional criminal investigation into the circumstances of my son’s death. That has not happened yet. It is my belief that if a high-caliber, completely objective investigation were to take place, there would be arrests and prosecutions of the individuals whose criminal behavior led to my child’s fatal brain injury."

So, I am doing the only thing I know to do in order to help the Granju family - blog about it.  Please, help them in spreading the word and drawing attention to Henry's case.  Katie also states on her blog:
"Our family is actively seeking media coverage of Henry’s case. If you have national, regional or local media contacts, we would be immensely grateful if you would draw those contacts’ attention to Henry’s case, and to our family’s story. We are happy to speak on the record to reporters at any time. Again, just email me at"

The blogging world is a huge community and we can help get Justice For Henry.

Start here to read all about Henry, his family and his case.

Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. Well look who's dipping her toe back in the blogging pool. Welcome back!

    Thanks for sharing Katie's (Henry's) story.
