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Thursday, March 10, 2011

The working from home... whoas

You may know that I work from home, and have done so for several years now.  Thus I am classified as a WAHM (work at home mom).  I wouldn't trade my working conditions for anything because it allows me to be home with my children while bringing in a paycheck and actively contributing to the workforce in my own small way. That being said, there are pros and cons to working from home.  I won't bore you with the mundane lists - just trust me, the grass isn't always greener on my side. 

This week is a good example of the not so green side. In fact I'd like to refer to it as more of the puke, diarrhea side.  You see, thing 2 came down with the lovely stomach bug from hell that seems to be spreading throughout the pre-school faster than Charlie Sheen's tweets.  Sunday evening / Monday morning it all started.  And here I am today (yes, 5 days later) and she is STILL sick. 

Can we get past the fact that I feel horribly for her and focus on me for a minute?  Yes, focus on the shallow, horrid mother who is up to her eyeballs in puke and poop (or as Thing 2 refers to them, the poop-toots).  In the midst of her exorcist-like escapades, Thing 1 and Thing 3 have been running a mysterious fever which of course means no school.  (side note: The jury is still out on Thing 1's illness, I'm thinking it's more of a jealous bug than anything else)  Anyway, this brings me back to "working from home"...

I have a fabulous boss who is very understanding, and would allow me to take as much time as I needed for my family.  However if mommy doesn't work - mommy doesn't get paid (remember I'm a contractor).  So balancing work, fevers, puke and poop-toots is becoming increasingly old (and smelly)! If my clients only knew that I could talk on the phone while holding back the hair of a puking child, dispensing medicine to another child and actually retaining the facts of our conversation... well, I think they'd be impressed (or mortified).  I guess I should be thankful that I haven't had to call out sick from an office for an entire week!

What's the point of this rambling?  Nothing.  I just wanted to take a minute and say, woe is me and whoa to the viruses please!  Oh, and if anyone has a remedy for poop-toots... for the love of God.....share!!!!!!!


  1. My remedy is not to have kids. Guess that doesn't help. Hang in there!

    P.S. "Jealous Bug" cracked me up!

  2. No real remedy known for the poop-toots. I've always admired your WAH status and totally wish I had the patience to do it. Seriously though, welcome back to the blogging world! Looking forward to hear how your life is going!
